Seigmen – „Enola“


Beim Hören des Namens SEIGMEN wird es bei vielen von Euch umgehend im Hinterkopf rattern, wenn nicht sogar zu Anflügen echter Ekstase kommen

file4Die Band gehört zu den größten Acts der nicht gerade an tollen Acts armen Rock-Szene Norwegens.
Nach sieben Alben in sechs(!) Jahren und einer anschließenden 18-jährigen(!) Pause, in der einige der Musiker u.a. unter dem Banner ZEROMANCER erfolgreich waren, sind sie jetzt wieder am Start.
Und ihre Mischung aus melancholischem Rock und geschmackssicherem Pop funktioniert auch ohne den Blick durch die rosarote Retrobrille nach wie vor bestens.
„Enola“ heißt das Prachtwerk, mit dem sich die Herren eindrucksvoll zurückmelden.
Und es klingt tatsächlich wie der verlorene Sohn, der eigentlich schon in den Neunzigern für Furore hätte sorgen können.

Feiert mit uns eines der größten Comebacks der norwegischen Rock-Szene!

Seigmen – „Enola“ Veröffentlichung: Montag, 13. April 2015


Hier ein älterer Liveauftritt am Opernhaus in Oslo, 21. Juni 2008




It is an undisputable fact that Seigmen stand tall as one of the great pillars in the Norwegian rock scene, paving the way for rock bands all over Norway. Last year marked the 20th anniversary of the exceptional album “Total”, followed by the 20-year anniversary of their breakthrough album “Metropolis” in 2015, which defined them as one of the leading forces in Norwegian rock throughout the 90’s. And now, they are finaly back.

Monday – April 13th 2015 sees the release of Seigmen’s latest album entitled “Enola”. They released seven albums in six years, but it took 18 long years after the release of “Radiowaves” before they decided to create a new studio-album. Seigmen defined the sound of Norwegian rock for a great many during the 90s. However, the band disappeared off the radar as fast as they entered, after dominating the charts with their unique mixture of melancholic rock and tasteful pop. „Enola” is the bands unexpected, long-awaited and unlikely studio-release #8. Seigmen has been playing a handful of shows in the last couple of years and in 2012, new songs appeared. Speculation over a new album immediately ensued among the bands fan-base, which has had a steady growth in the recent years.

“It was never our intention to create a full album, but suddenly everything came pouring out.“, says Bassist and composer, Kim Ljung. „At the first rehearsal everything felt right. Marius and Sverre were extremely motivated and they played symbiotically as they always have. It sounded like Seigmen instantly.”
You might think that all the years away would shine through on the album, but it doesn’t. “Enola” might very well be the lost record that never appeared right after “Metropolis”.

We’re looking forward to the release of one of the greatest comebacks in the history of Norwegian music, as Seigmen once again release a great album that will shake the alternative rock scene across Europe.

Seigmen: Kim Ljung (bass, vocal) | Alex Møklebust (vocal) | Noralf Ronthi (drums) | Marius Roth (guitar, vocal) | Sverre Økshoff (guitar)

(Some of the members are also known from Zeromancer)


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