Sarah P.


Hier kommt der „Soundtrack für komische Sonntage“, wie es DRESSED LIKES MACHINES sagte. Die ex-Keep Shelly in Athens Frontfrau Sarah P. hat „Dirty Sunday“, den Opening Track ihrer am 14.12. erscheinenen Solo Debut EP „Free“, via Soundcloud veröffentlicht. „Dirty Sunday“ ist ein düsterer & atmosphärischer Elektonik Song wie er schöner und besonderer kaum sein könnte. Ab 27. November ist der Song via aller digitalen Plattformen erhältlich.

Christoph Neumann,
Christoph Neumann,

Sarah P.’s Statement:

Dear all,

Almost two years ago, somewhere in Nothern Europe, I had a truly dirty Sunday. What’s important after falling is to get up again and that’s what I did. Now, I find myself in Central Europe and although I can still relate to the icy, moody atmosphere of “Dirty Sunday”, I can guarantee to you that there is plenty of time to erase and restart. For all of us.

“Dirty Sunday” is the opener of “Free”. As I told you before, “Free” has this wide range of moods and that’s because it follows a journey of two years. The whole point of “Free” is to prove that it’s possible to start over. It’s not easy, but it’s possible – all you need is to believe and to see yourself where you want to be. “Dirty Sunday” is the moment that you realize that, in order to be happy, you need to change it all. Sometimes we lose track with our lives. It happens to each and every of us. We live fast and apparently, we don’t have the luxury to reflect on each decision we make. We don’t take the time to filter and think thoroughly. Instead of blaming ourselves or the people around us, we can choose to move forward and make it better. It sounds like a brave move, but I believe that all of us have this strength inside us to pull that through.

On Friday 27/11/15 “Dirty Sunday” will be available on all digital platforms, but from today you can listen to it via Soundcloud. On Friday, I will share with you a link where you can pre-order you digital and/or physical copy of “Free”. It’s truly exciting times for my team and me. I really look forward to sharing my work with you.

To conclude and let you listen to the song, I will repeat myself once again. The times we live in are historic. Don’s stay out of the loop – get informed and discuss your thoughts with other people. It’s up to us to change things. All we need is to take it on our hands. Let’s be honest and brave. Let’s be bold. If we know who we are and what we want for us and our children, then we have nothing to fear. We should stop looking back and start over now. Let’s focus on the future. Let’s erase and restart.

With love,


Sarah P.’s Statement

Live Dates:
Dec 12 – UK – London – Birthdays (Record Release Show)
Jan 14 – NL – Groningen – Eurosonic Noorderslag
Jan 25 – DE – Berlin – Privatclub








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