MENSCH Titelsong „I’d Go“ von Sarah P.
„I’d Go“, die neue Single der ex-Keep Shelly in Athens Frontfrau Sarah P., ist ab sofort erhältlich! Es ist die erste Single ihrer Solo EP „Free“, welche am 14. Dezember (Sarahs Geburtstag) via ihrem eigenen Label EraseRestart erscheint.
„I’d Go“ ist der Titelsong der Charity Kampagne ,MENSCH in welcher Sarah P. involviert ist. MENSCH macht darauf aufmerksam, dass alle Menschen sind, egal wo wir herkommen und wo wir hingehen. Eine simple Message, die aktuell leider zu oft in Vergessenheit gerät.
Sarah P.: „On “I’d Go” I sing that “yes, I’d go, somewhere to build my home – away from those who stole my light and let me roam”. I also sing that “yes, I’d go and I need to be strong to fight back. They’ll come with knives, they’ll come with stones”. I wrote this song inspired by my immigration. I’m born and raised in Athens, Greece. Since last year, I reside in Berlin, Germany. The last years have been super tough for my country. That’s left people feeling lost. They are disoriented. They are confused. Greeks might not be in an actual war as the Syrians are but they’re in a psychological one[…]. Therefore, I can very much feel with the refugees although I’ve experienced not even a 10% of their struggle.“ – Volles Statement: Ich bin Mensch. I am a human being.
Zum Release von „I’d Go“:
Sarah P. „We have to fight together in order to learn how to coexist, how to accept the difference, how to respect our neighbor. Turning to the edges never helped. Believing in one and only theory/God/idea makes you a maniac. Our brains have room for more than that. Science, Religion, Spirituality, Ideas are broad. We should use our brains and our bodies for the best. Why something so logical is so hard to understand?“ – Volles Statement: ERASERESTART, FREE and “I’d Go”
- „A fluttering, heady explosion of colourful pop with a melancholic edge of plaintive clarity. „- The 405
- „Glitchy pop sounds are floating through some ecstatic dreamy currents and unveils an old skool – in its roots – spellbinding groove that you simply can’t say no to! Expectations have just been unleashed!“ – Sound Injections
- „The resolve and strength of regrouping and rising above all odds is portrayed through a blizzard of synths and ethereal items of endless wonder that finds our heroine traversing the wide open expanse of roads and spaces that captivate the heart and imagination.“ – IMPOSE
- „splendid, dreamily sparkling pop tune.“ – NBHAP