LAMB OF GOD – veröffentlichen offizielles ‚Overlord‘ Musikvideo!

Die Heavy-Rock-Band LAMB OF GOD aus Richmond, Virginia wird ihr lang erwartetes siebtes Album »VII: Sturm und Drang« am 24. Juli über Nuclear Blast Entertainment veröffentlichen. Die Band hat kürzlich einen Plattenvertrag für alle Gebiete außerhalb Nordamerikas mit Nuclear Blast Entertainment geschlossen.

LOGabumFINAL[1]590‚Overlord‘ ist der wohl einzigartigste und vielschichtigste Song des Albums – eine neue Herangehensweise an den so eigenen Sound LAMB OF GODs. Der Song zeigt ‚Overlord‘ so nie gehörten klaren Gesang und Texte von Sänger Randy Blythe. Das Video selbst ist nach seinem persönlichen Konzept entstanden.

»VII: Sturm Und Drang« wurde von Josh Wilbur produziert und gemischt. Engineering wurde von WilburNick RoweKyle McAulay erledigt. Das Album wurde in den NRG Recording Studios in North Hollywood, CA und den Suburban Soul Studios in Torrance, CA aufgenommen.

“For years I’ve wished that I could have a movie camera directly linked to my brain so that some of the ideas I see in my mind’s eye could be translated into film for others to watch,” führt Blythe aus. “Although that is obviously an impossibility (and probably a good thing- I find many things amusing that might not be so funny to everyone else), the video for ‚Overlord‘ is the next best thing for me. I came up with the idea and wrote the treatment for this video myself- to see Jorge (the director) take my concept, add his own touches, and use his technical know-how to translate my „mental script“ into a suitably dark visual narrative is just an awesome, awesome experience for me.

I wrote the song about the dangers of self-obsession in our distressingly myopic and increasingly entitled „me-now/now-me“ culture; just like the couple in the video, many people can’t seem to look past their own relatively small problems to see the bigger picture: the world is in serious trouble. Having a bad day at work, or a fight with your significant other, or getting a crappy haircut or table service does not in any way shape or form constitute an emergency. Sometimes things just don’t work out the way we want them to- deal with it. People who only see their own problems eventually wind up alone because no one wants to hear their crap anymore- we all know someone like that, always whining and complaining about some inconsequential setback as if it were the apocalypse. This song is for those people.

Oh yeah- if you’re out and about, watching the video on your pocket hate machine (mobile phone), try not to wander into traffic. A little situational awareness goes a long way.“

Den Song könnt Ihr außerdem über spotify hören.

»VII: Sturm Und Drang« (in verschiedenen CD und Vinyl-Editionen, auch als exklusives Bundle), welches ’Still Echoes’, ‚512‘ und ‚Overlord‘ beinhalten wird, kann ab sofort hier vorbestellt werden.

Seht LAMB OF GOD diesen Sommer auf Tour:

03.07. DK Roskilde – Roskilde Festival
05.07. D Roitzschjora – With Full Force Festival
24.09. BR Rio de Janeiro – Rock In Rio
25.09. AR Buenos Aires – Groove
27.09. CHI Santiago – SCL Festival


Randy Blythe – vocals

Mark Morton – guitar

Willie Adler – guitar

John Campbell – bass

Chris Adler – drums


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