Warme Stimme und viel Gefühl
Künstlerin: Liza Lo
Album: Familiar
Veröffentlichung: 31.01.2025
Label: Gearbox Records
Photo Credit: Luis Vidal
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Offizieller Pressetext (Auszug):
Speaking on the album, Liza says, „The name ‘Familiar’ reflects this element of going
back to records I grew up listening to, this way of recording that makes music feel
familiar and a way that brought my creative process close to what Jon, my mentor
and co-producer on this record, is a master in too. I also wanted the word to tie in
with the stories I was telling, the intimacy of family, the tales of romantic love in my
life, but also the inevitable loss that comes with living and how to manage that. All
these feelings we come across recurrently in life, from losing a friend, to falling out of
touch with yourself and others, to the beauty of falling in love.
1. Gypsy Hill
2. Morning Call
3. Darling
4. Catch The Door
5. A Messenger
6. As I Listen
7. Open Eyes
8. Anything Like Love Focustrack
9. What I Used To Do
10. Confiarme
11. Show Me